Waid Observatory

Object: Crater Theophilus
Date: 10/18/2008 - Location: Margate, FL - Telescope: 102mm Celestron CR-4
Mount: Celestron AS-GT - Camera: Canon S600 Digital Elph
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  Crater Theophilus


Crater Theophilus

Theophilus is the large crater with a central mountain peak located in the upper portion of the image.  An image showing the names and sizes of the prominent craters may be viewed here.  The central peak of Theophilus rises approximately 16,000 feet above the floor of the crater.  The walls of the crater are approximately 14,000 feet tall.  Theophilus partially extends into the crater Cyrillus which is roughly the same size as Theophilus.  Astronauts from Apollo 16 gathered Lunar samples thought to be ejecta from the impact that created Theophilus.  This image was taken when the Moon was at a phase a few days past full.  The craters shown in this image are near the terminator where the low Sun angle produces long shadows. This allows the surface features to stand out in greater relief that when viewed during the full Moon.

Copyright Donald P. Waid