Waid Observatory

Object: NGC 869 & 884
Date: Oct. 17, 2019 - Location: Davis Mountains west of Fort Davis, Texas
Telescope: Stellarvue SV102ED - Camera: ST-8300M
Exposure: Lum. = 90 min. - RGB = 60 min. each

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NGC 869 NGC 864


NGC 869 & 884 (The Double Cluster) 1,2

The famous Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884) is located in the constellation Perseus and has been know since ancient times.  The Greek astronomer Hipparcos first recorded it as early as 130 BC.  The two clusters lie at a distance of 7,100 and 7,400 light years respectively from earth.  The clusters are very young and are estimated to have formed in the last few million years. This cluster of stars is one of my favorite visual objects.  In even a modest telescope, the Double Cluster is truly a beautiful sight!


Copyright Donald P. Waid