Waid Observatory

Object: NGC 2158
Date: March 2-3, 2018  -  Location: Denton, TX
Telescope:  -  ATRC12  -  Camera: ST-10XME  -  Exposure: L = 125 min. R G B = 60 min. each

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NGC 2158


NGC 2158 1

Discovered by William Herschel on November 16, 1784.

NGC 2158 is a dense open cluster of stars situated in the constellation Gemini. The cluster is only about one quarter of a degree to the southwest, but much more distant, to its better known cousin, M35.  NGC 2158 is very compact for an open cluster and was considered a globular cluster by the italian astronomer Leonida Rosino.  The current classification maintained by most astronomers is that of a very old Galactic Open Cluster.  The age of the cluster is estimated to be approximately 1.05 billion years.  The cluster consists primarily of old stars giving it a decidedly yellow color.  NGC 2158 is estimated to be approximately 11,000 light-years from the Earth.


Copyright Donald P. Waid