Waid Observatory

Object: NGC 6822 - Barnard's Galaxy
Date: Sept. 2023  -  Location: Dark Sky Observatory (DSOC)
Telescope: PlaneWave CDK 14  -  Mount: Paramount-MEII  -  Camera: FLI 16803
Exposure: LHaRGB = 29 hours total intergration time
Click on the image below to view at higher resolution.


NGC 6822


NGC 6822 - Barnard's Galaxy

NGC 6822 was discovered in 1884 by E. E. Barnard[3] and is commonly referred to as Barnard's Galaxy.  It is located in the constellation Sagittarius approximately 1.6 million light years distant[1]. It is classified as an irregular barred galaxy[1] and is similar in structure to the Small Magellanic Cloud[1].  NGC 6822 is a member of the Local Group and is the closest non-satellite galaxy to the Milky Way[1].  Numerous red H II regions are visible in the image.  These are areas of active star formation[2] and are much like the Orion Nebula in our own Milky Way galaxy.  A particularly impressive bubble-like H II nebular structure[2] is located in the upper right of the image above. Edwin Hubble studied NGC6822 in depth[3]. He surveyed five of the brightest of these H II regions[1].  He also identified 15 variable stars of which eleven were classed as Cepheid variables[1].  Spectroscopic studies have determined the galaxy has a low metallicity indicating a relatively low proportion of elements other than hydrogen and helium[3].  Low-metallicity celestial objects, such as NGC 6822, are of interest in the study of the evolution of stars and the life cycle of interstellar dust[3].

This image of Barnard's Galaxy is the result of a collaborative project undertaken by Steve Timmons and Donald Waid.  Data capture, image calibration, and registration performed by S. Timmons.  Image assembly and final processing were performed by D. Waid.

1Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGC_6822
2ESO: https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0938a/
3Science News: https://www.sci.news/astronomy/webb-barnards-galaxy-12144.html

Copyright Donald P. Waid