Waid Observatory

Object: NGC 7814 - The Little Sombrero Galaxy
Date: Sept. 14-15-16, 2015    -    Location: Davis Mountains, Texas
Telescope: ATRC10  -  Camera: Apogee Alta F8300  -  Mount: Paramount MX
Guided using Innovations Foresight On Axis Guider (ONAG)
Exposure: Luminance = 120 min. - R, G, & B = 60 min. each
Click on the image to view at higher resolution.

NGC 7814

NGC 7814 - The Little Sombrero Galaxy 1

NGC 7814 is a spiral galaxy located in the Pegasus Constellation approximately 40 million light-years from the Earth.  From our point of view, the galaxy is orientated almost edge on and displays a prominent central dust band. .  NGC 7814 is referred to as the Little Sombrero Galaxy as it resembles the larger, and more renowned Sombrero Galaxy, M104.  In actuality, both galaxies are about the same size and brightness.  The Little Sombrero is much more distant and therefore appears smaller.  Both galaxies have a pronounced central bulge and an extended halo of stars.  The Little Sombrero is located in a region known for its high density of faint, very distant, galaxies.  Some of which may be seen in the image above.


Copyright Donald P. Waid